Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Is there a bring your laundry to work day?


One day, I stopped over Lauren's apartment to drop something off. 

I stood in the kitchen chatting with Lauren and a staffer for a while. When I was about to leave I noticed a large, red laundry bag in the hallway.

I asked, "Whose bag is that?" The staffer responded that the bag contained her family's laundry that she brought from home.

She went on to say that; she "planned to wash the clothes when she was just sitting around".

Can't make this stuff up!

Keeping it real,


Thursday, June 1, 2023

Do dish towels have to have fruit?

Today I received a text from one of Lauren's staff. She informed me that Lauren's dish towels are old and need to be replaced. I said, "of course"!

The staffer went on to ask me to get dish towels with fruit on them as some staff don't know where plain colored ones go. Staff often put plain ones in Lauren's bathroom closet.

So, I'm off to find dish towels with fruit on them....

Keeping it real,


Monday, May 8, 2023

Care for an English muffin?


As they say, a picture tells a thousand words! This was found in Lauren's refrigerator.

I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried!

Keeping it real,


Friday, August 19, 2022

What a girl will do for a LaCroix sparkling water!


Over the years, Tom and I purchased more bikes for Lauren than I can count. Tom probably has a better recollection because he put them together!

For some reason, Lauren just couldn't get the hang of pedaling a bike. We tried and tried along with many therapists, program staffers and in-home support staff. Nothing worked until Lauren met Chris Harbur from Let's Go Play NY!

And as they say, the rest of the story is history:


Never give up!

Keeping it real,


Thursday, January 6, 2022

Days off coverage needed!


Last year was so challenging! 
Beyond staff being out for 3 weeks at a time with Covid, (one never came back)
the days off requests included:

My birthday
My husband's birthday
My mother's birthday
My father's birthday
My daughter's birthday
My son's birthday
A wedding to attend (3 days)
Vacation travel (10 days)
Take my mother to the doctor
Take my mother to the immigration office
Sick and in the hospital (4 days)
Thanksgiving eve
Thanksgiving night
Christmas eve
Christmas day
Christmas night
New Year's eve
New Year's day
New Year's night
Easter day
Easter night
Mother's Day
Father's Day
Memorial Day
Labor Day
Halloween night
Baby Shower

Anyone looking for a job covering these days?

Keeping it real!


P.S. Ground hog day, Flag day, St. Patrick's day and Arbor Day were covered!

Friday, November 26, 2021

Is it possible to provide equal rights for students with disabilities during a pandemic?


Section 504 is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities and ensures that children with disabilities have equal access to an education. It was passed in 1973!!!!

I remember when Lauren was in pre-K at an elementary school. She received physical therapy as part of her IEP. The physical therapist who covered schools in our area went on maternity leave. This resulted in no PT services for Lauren and all of the children who received physical therapy in the schools the PT covered.

So..... I filed a Civil Rights complaint against the school district. Long story short after an investigation and visits from attorneys from the Atlanta regional office of the U.S. Department of Education, they ruled in our favor! The ruling required that all of the impacted students receive compensatory services.

In a different set of circumstances, Covid-19 related issues have left children with disabilities at home and often not receiving any services. Remote delivery of services is not appropriate for many students. 

This situation has resulted in appeals to judges and state departments of education, student regression ----and many questions, some without answers. 

Is it the school districts fault when they do not provide services during a pandemic? Is it the school districts fault that the bureaucracy was not prepared? Can the school district demonstrate good faith efforts to contract with home care agencies to provide services? Are compensatory services indicated?

The following piece from NPR explores the situation. 


Appreciate hearing your thoughts.




Wednesday, June 9, 2021

What do coffee beans have to do with job carving?


I just learned that Dr. Lou Brown, a leader in special education and vocational rehabilitation services passed away. Years ago, I met him at a conference. An incredible person, teacher and mentor for so many.

He would say funny, outrageous things at his presentations. He had the ability to get people to think about their preconceived notions. He was also instrumental in founding the non-profit TASH About TASH - Tash.org

He helped people with severe disabilities find jobs. Even people with limited mobility. He told the audience about a young man who was blind and had other disabilities. 

Everyone thought he was crazy when he got the young man a job in a coffee factory. He could smell and that was all he needed to know how to do to differentiate the kinds of coffee. 

Dr. Brown believed that everyone can contribute to society through "job carving". This strategy analyzes work duties in a given job and then identifies specific tasks that could be assigned to an employee with disabilities. This was radical thinking 40 years ago.

So what do coffee beans have to do with job carving? In a word, "everything"!!!!

Rest in peace, you will be missed Dr. Brown 🙌

Keeping it real,
