Saturday, March 27, 2021

Now what? When adults with disabilities need health care.

So often parents have their heads in the sand (including me) when our children are young and receiving pediatric health care. We want to believe that our beloved pediatrician, neurologist, ophthalmologist, or dentist is going to care for our child forever. 

Reality check! 
Things will change

Even if the pediatric provider is willing to continue seeing your son or daughter, insurance may not cover the visits. And if the child stays on with a pediatric professional, and needs a root canal or wisdom teeth extracted or has an adult related health condition the pediatric dentist or physician may not be experienced in caring for  adults. 

So your son or daughter will ultimately be forced to move into the adult services arena. 

So you need to get your head out of the sand!

Begin networking early with other parents of children older than yours. It will  pay off to be prepared.

Keeping it real,


Saturday, March 20, 2021

Don't we have enough buildings?


Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal, are this year's winners of the most prestigious award in architecture, the Pritzker. These French architects approach their work with kindness, which means never tearing down buildings to implement their own grand visions.

When Lacaton and Vassal were asked to redesign a particularly large and hideous public housing bloc in Bordeaux in 2017, the residents told them they did not want to move, even temporarily, but they wanted bigger units. The solution, devised with fellow architects Frédéric Druot and Christophe Hutin, was to encase the building in large outdoor terraces, adding sliding glass doors to each unit, and remaking the exterior from drab concrete to something gleaming, modern and alive. Suddenly, everyone had roomy outdoor space, some of which was enclosed to be used during the winter as "winter gardens."

"The firm's approach of cost-effective, creative readaption could be a model for urban planning in the U.S., Wilson says, where demolition's been seen as a solution to deteriorating public housing in such cities as Chicago and St. Louis." 

When we think about housing for adults with disabilities, why do many think first of new construction. Don't we have enough existing apartment buildings, homes and duplexes that could work with this "kind" of architecture?

Read or listen to more at:

Keeping it real!


Monday, March 15, 2021

Three girls from Texas, frozen yogurt and sprinkles!


In 2017, Lauren met twins, Taylor and Morgan, and their younger sister, Madison. 

The family was on vacation visiting family in Florida. It was "love" from the beginning!

During subsequent visits, the "girls" went swimming and to the movies. They got pedicures, shopped at Publix and took the group picture on the sofa.

While apart, they send gifts, cards and talk on the Facebook Portal.

During their last visit, they taught Lauren to put sprinkles on her frozen yogurt and on theirs! 

This post really isn't about frozen yogurt and sprinkles... it is about so much more. The girls from Texas have enriched Lauren's life beyond words....

Keeping it real!
