Sunday, December 30, 2018

Christmas tree joke!

One night during the holidays, Lauren's personal support person texted me and asked, "How do I turn the Christmas tree lights off"?

I replied, "pull the electrical plug out of the wall". 

She replied, "ok, I will try that".

Did you think this was a joke?

Keeping it real,


Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Should there be a designated sink area for staff teeth brushing?

One evening, I "called", Lauren on her Facebook Portal. I texted her aide to let her know that I would be calling before I called.

Lauren "answered" and we talked and sang some Christmas carols. 

In the kitchen, I could see her aide brushing her teeth. She was also talking to me while brushing!

Should there be a designated sink area for staff teeth brushing or is walking around the kitchen just fine?

Keeping it real!


Thursday, November 1, 2018

Thoughts on disability rights and voter suppression

Lauren, now 32, has been voting via absentee/mail in ballot since she was the legal age to vote.

She signs her name LAUREN (not this clear)....but it is her signature on her voter ID, Florida License ID and on her bank accounts.

This year, a first happened!!!..Lauren's signature was called into question. 

We received a letter stating that before her ballot could be counted, she had to sign another document (and pay more postage) attesting to her signature. 

We returned the document return receipt date we have not received a response.

No matter what side of the fence you are on....does this give you pause????

Lauren's vote and the vote of every disabled person in America should count!!!

Keeping it real!


Friday, March 23, 2018

Can you help ring our dreams to life?

Lauren Maheady
Can you help us launch a special needs handbell choir? This approach led by music therapists and music teachers nationally and worldwide has successfully taught adults at various ability levels. Since the 1950s, music and music therapy have proven useful in treating people on the autism spectrum, improving learning and communication in a structured environment that encourages more social interaction. 

Can you help us start a choir in Jupiter?

With thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, February 25, 2018

Green is the new "low"

I never liked labels for people.

I always thought labels were for jars!

Over the years, I have been able to deal with comments from strangers and lack of acceptance from people and family.

Recently, I've had to come to grips with Lauren being labeled by other parents of adult children with disabilities. 

Hurts pretty bad....

What does "low" or "low functioning" really mean? No matter how you answer, it isn't good.

So, I decided that Lauren is going to be the color "green" like Kermit, her favorite Sesame Street character.

When you refer to Lauren and need a label, please call her "green".